The article gives insights into the cases of Bulli Bai and Sulli Deals and highlights some facts of both the case. When you go through the article there are some surprising facts regarding the case which will dishearten you. The article also throws light on virtual harassment, which is becoming common day by day, and also on the steps that needs to be taken for cyber security.
As 2021 ends, people are gearing up to make new promises and beginnings for 2022. We were scrolling our phones to wish people to have a prosperous year ahead and have a happy life. But suddenly you see that your photos are being uploaded along with the title ‘Deal of the Day. You are being auctioned on the internet.
This happened for about 100 Muslim Women on January 1, who has been targeted on fake online site Bulli Bai, similar to another app Sulli deals. The new year started on a bitter note for women. The app Bulli Bai was created with the help of the world’s largest open-source developer community platform, Github. The app that was shared on Github was designed for targeting and harassing Muslim Women and it specifically seeks to demean and discourage Muslim Women, be they students or journalists, or pilots.
How embarrassing it was! This virtual sexual harassment disappoints everyone especially those who are their victims. The same incident took place in June 2021, when a group of people had uploaded code for an app to Github, which hosted an online auction of Muslim women in India. The app was stealing pictures, names of Muslim women and then using their personal information to malign them. The common things between these women were their faith and they were critical of the government. It was taken down after outrage, and while an FIR was filed, no one was arrested or has been questioned regarding the same. No strict action has been taken by the authority. Now, the same incident arises again. The main problem is with the authority. If they took an action earlier, I am pretty sure that the second one would not have happened. But this time harassment is being addressed with the investigation authority urgency, it demands.
We know that about 70% of the people who use the platform are in the age group 18 - 29. This incident affects the young generation who are the highest, among users of social media. Most importantly it was a student who was accused in the case. How humiliating it is! They are very young. Two of them are 21 years old and the third one is an 18-year-old girl. This has put everyone in shock and dismay.
This is a threat to a democratic country. It causes a lot of stress to women and their families. We know that in India, a still large number of families feels insecure to give independence to their daughters. These types of incidents make their families more vulnerable. This is also one of the reasons behind gender inequality. It’s not only the fault of parents but the fault of concerned authorities too who do not take strict and urgent action. Secondly, Women from minority communities would feel more self-conscious or scared about the opinion they share in the online public. These incidents can affect the mental health of women.
Following are some steps and suggestions that can help to curb these incidents:-
After this incident, the authorities are more active and prone to circumstances. But registration of the case is not a move but the crucial step is when the further procedure of tracing, arresting, and prosecuting takes place.
Another step is to increase awareness about cyber safety and security so that youth, especially young girls and women take precautions in the virtual world. Schools, universities, colleges should play an active role in building cyber precautions. As the use of social media platforms is increasing at a rapid pace, even children who are below the age of 15 starts using at an early age, there should be regulation on social media platforms to check abusive traffic and bring safety measures, especially for women and children.
Cybercrime departments should be more effective and efficient in working. There is a dire need for technical proficiency and to be faster in court proceedings to catch offenders.
About the Author:
Parul is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce (program) from Daulat Ram College. She is an avid writer and reader and budding feminist who wants to change the mindset of people. She loves to write early in the morning especially on weekends with a sip of coffee which gives a fresh start to her day.
Thankyou for writing this!